Sunday 2 August 2020

New ways to listen !!!

Over the past few weeks I have been working hard behind the scenes trying to work out how to make the podcast more accessible and easier to find which will hopefully gain me more listeners, followers, feedback and data to make the podcast better.

So I'm really pleased to announce that TellATalePod is now a multi-platform art form !

Below, you will find a list of the many different platforms you can now find the podcast. You may already use some of these or have a particular app on your phone, so why not see if you can find it, have a quick listen, follow it (if possible) and spread the word by splashing the news all over social media (and make sure you tell me too!) 

I am open to suggestions and requests for readings. I am pretty open minded to certain authors/books/genres although I do try and steer away from the *very* obvious ones! Write your suggestions as a comment on this blogpost OR as a tweet to @tellatalepod

Before I finish I just need you to know how much of a big deal this is for me. These podcasts take more time and energy than you can possibly imagine. For example a 10 minute podcast may well take double the time to record, plus another 30 minutes to edit then another 30 minutes to upload the podcasts and write up the blogposts. Unlike visual mediums e.g. painting, crafts, baking, building, gardening etc, where you can see (or have the imagination to know) how much work has gone into something, podcasts are LITERALLY invisible until someone presses play. Independent podcasters are probably the most invisible artists in the world. That's why you find the podcasts that are most plugged by platforms (especially BBC Sounds) are all fronted by celebrities or are tv show tie-ins which have a willing audience. But for someone like me who is basically a nobody with limited time scales and basic equipment it means a lot to be putting myself forward on a level playing field with the big guys. Don't get me wrong, I am nowhere near the best and will probably never make myself out to be. I just hope what I have to offer is useful, helpful, educational, even entertaining. Maybe I just want to know that I'm not forgotten and that I'm doing OK.

Here are weblinks to all of the sites you can find the podcast on. Some sites I am still waiting on (google, apple music, stitcher, mixcloud and a few more) so will update this as and when necessary. Many of these can also be found as apps you can download to your device - just search for 'tellatalepod'. If you decide to listen that way make sure you follow the feed so new podcasts find their way to you and I will get more feedback and data about who is listening. Also if there is a podcast feed/app that you use that is not on list, let me know and I will see what I can do


This is the main feed that I will update manually each time a new file is added to the feed. Here you will also be able to access the comprehension additions. Updates via social media will either be plugging this main blog page OR this podbean site.













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